Quick and easy, the French just love to serve flavored sauces with meat. Here a creamy chervil sauce with veal but it actually works well with poultry such as chicken.
The idea is to cook meat, whatever it may be, in a frying pan. Once it’s done, we remove the meat (and cover it with aluminium foil so that it won’t cool down too much, or place in the oven at 60°C) and add cream (may it be light or heavy cream) in the frying pan. Then it’s necessary to combine so that the cream takes all the cooking juices in the frying pan. It’s called deglaze. The sauce will first become more liquid while heated, then thicker as moist goes away with the high temperature. In some recipes we add spices, stock, apple cider…
Here as we prepare a fresh herb sauce. Cream is first heated, chervil is infused then mixed befored poured in the saucepan as explained above.
You may choose to serve meat and sauce appart, dress in individual plates sauce on the meat, or in a dish with meat, sauce all over and the remaining sauce in a bowl.

Veal Scallops with Chervil Cream Sauce
- Blender
- 800 gr veal scallops or chicken breast
- 40 cl cream use light cream or heavy cream
- 1 large bunch chervil fresh
- salt
- pepper
- olive oil or butter
- Rince chervil and remove stems. In a small saucepan, bring cream to the boil with a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper. Add chervil leaves (keeping a few leaves for dressing). The quantity may seem important but it’s normal. Let it stand and infuse for a few minutes then mix (use a hand blender).
- Heat a knob of butter (or a drizzle of oil) in a large frying pan.Cut scallops into small pieces. Fry meat for 1 min on high heat on each side then lower the heat and cook for about 5 minutes on each side (adjust the cooking time according to the thickness of your pieces of meat).
- Remove the meat and reserve it under a sheet of aluminum. Deglaze the pan with the chervil cream, allowing 2-3 minutes to simmer to take all the cooking juices from the frying pan, which will make the sauce tastier.
- Serve by pouring sauce on the meat, decorate with a few chervil leaves.