Homemade Deli Meat Dried Pork Tenderloin
Homemade deli meat simply prepared by leaving pork tenderloin in coarse salt for 20 days, then rinsed and seasonned. Nothing more!
Homemade deli meat simply prepared by leaving pork tenderloin in coarse salt for 20 days, then rinsed and seasonned. Nothing more!
French clafoutis aux cerises. Learn how to make a perfect clafoutis, the classic homecooking treat the French love to bake when cherries season comes.
This onion stew or confit, almost caramelized, can be served as a side to any kind of savory dish or even be added to your preparations, such as savory custard or tarts.
Lemon tart might be one of French’s favorite desert. This is an extremely quick recipe that enhance lemon flavor without being too acidic and without meringue’s sugary taste.
It’s kind of the French Key Lime Pie.
If one think of Easter traditional family meal, there’s immediatly images of roast leg of lamb. Why not changing for the 7-hour recipe, slow cooked in the oven at low temperature? Quite long but very easy to make. The meat becomes so tender that you can even serve it with a tablespoon. Almost like a confit.
This is one of the most traditional French side for any kind of meal, from daily simple lunch to fancy dinner. Easy recipe explained step by step in photo
No eggs left at home? And you want to bake a cake? Why not try this French version of gingerbread, which is actually more of a spice and honey cake than the traditional gingerbread. It does contain ginger, but not only.
There are many different recipes of pie crunch: with or without butter, with or without almond powder, with different proportion of ingredients, adding the ingredients in different orders – the flour first or at the end -, handmade or using a food processor…
I choose this recipe, from Christophe Felder, because it is simple and easy to roll out.
The basic pâte à choux / choux pastry recipe, great for baking French classic pastries such as chouquettes, profiteroles, gougères…
Brioches are mainly made of flour, eggs, and butter, LOTS of butter! The question is how can Nanterre style brioche become so aerated with so much fat? The art consist in mixing the dough for a long moment.
Composed of veal shank, slowly cooked in a white wine and tomato sauce stew, osso bucco tends to be eaten only by bone marrow amateurs even though it’s a woderful dish.
Roasted, peeled then marinated in olive oil, baslamic vinegar, spices and herbs. Those marinated red and green bell peppers are a delight and they can be used in many different ways.
Mayonnaise can seem so difficult to make and yet becomes so easy once you are fully aware of the tips and tricks and the different steps. Homemade mayonnaise is so tasty. You’ll never be able to eat that industrial stuff once you’ve tasted it!
October. Fennel is about to disappear from the shelves of our favorite markets who respect seasons, and juicy oranges sneak up. It’s the ideal moment to prepare this delicious fresh salad. It’s light and full of vitamins.
Literally this means beggar. What a strange name for a chocolate treat!
You think professional chefs’ recipes are too difficult to do yourself?
You find the taste of garlic too aggressive?
Try this.
Have you ever heard the expression « c’est ma madeleine de Proust »?
The French use it when something – be it an object, an event or a situation – reminds us of sweet memories of the past.
Chouquettes are tiny little airy pastries that everybody seems to come away from the bakery with and eat one after the other before you know it, the whole bag’s gone. They are so tempting.
But have you ever imagined making them yourself?