glace au chocolat, recette et conseils de chef MOF

Chocolate Ice cream

Chocolate Ice Cream Demonstration at the 2014 Chocolate Fair “Salon du Chocolat” in Paris, by France’s Finest Artisan Meilleur Ouvrier de France Jean-Claude David.

French iconic tarte tatin Classic recipe and story behind

Tarte Tatin Apple Pie

Iconic French tarte tatin is a caramelized apple pie baked upside down. A delicious recipe comming form a mistake, Here is the story behind.

Cannelés bordelais

Cannelés from Bordeaux Easy Recipe

Bordeaux don’t only master wine. With an incredible flavor of rum and vanilla, cannelés, also known as cannelés bordelais as they come from Bordeaux, are among French most famous pastries.

Tapenade aux olives noires, recette de Provence

Olive Tapenade

This typical dish from the South of France evokes early-evening apéritifs in the height of summer. Simply crush some olives? There is more to it than that…

Céleri rémoulade à la pomme verte Granny Smith

Celery Remoulade and Apple Salad

Green apple gives a twist to the traditional celery root and mayonnaise celery remoulade recipe.A classic of French cuisine you definitely have to try.

gougères French cheese puff

Gougere Cheese Puffs

Serve these small cheese puffs, or Gougères, as appetizers.
Each time I prepare gougères, the whole dish disappears in a few seconds, the children suddenly become very interested in what the adults are eating and grab them one after the other, even if they are not supposed to.