Crudités courgettes marinées à l’huile d’olive et au citron

Zucchini Marinated in Lemon Juice

Thin strips of zucchini marinated in lemon juice and olive oil. Fresh and tasty, can be accommodated in various ways. Have you ever tasted raw zucchini?

tartiflette traditionnelle au reblochon de Savoie

Tartiflette, French Alps Reblochon Cheese Casserole

The French just love traditional dishes made of melted creamy cheese with potatoes and deli meat. Among those, tartiflette is the perfect meal in winter! Called gratin in French, it’s made of potatoes, reblochon cheese and bacon.

Épinard à l’aïl rôti

Spinach with Roasted Garlic

Roasting garlic in olive oil develops its flavors without being aggressive, and gives a subtle twist to spinach.

Velouté de fânes de carottes

Carrot Top Soup

Stop throwing away carrot tops. And simply prepare a soup with them, it’s delicious, healthy and zero waste.

Recette de base du biscuit roulé

Roll Cake

This light and easy to roll up sponge cake is ideal for jelly roll or yule log Christmas cake, as we usually serve in France for Christmas.

rack of lamb with honey and cumin

Honey and Cumin Rack of Lamb

Serving a whole rack of lamb is stunning, always a great success. Honey & cumin sauce works well lamb. Meat gets almost caramelized.

Cake banane chocolat

Chocolate Banana Bread

How do you use ripe bananas? At home, it’s banana cake with lots of chocolate chips. Kids love it. Great also for breakfast or at tea time.

Pâte brisée à l’huile d’olive et au romarin

Olive Oil and Rosemary Pie Crust

This pie crust have is interesting because 1/ it’s Mediterranean favors are incredible. It taste just like being in Southern France 2/ it’s very easy to roll out.

tartinade de couteaux

Razor Clam Rillettes

Do you know how to catch razor clams, and how to cook them? Try these razor shell rillettes. It’s kind of a spread, or a pate – pâté – as we would say in French.

Cherry tomatoes and chive flan French recipe

Cherry Tomatoes and Chive Flan

Savory flan in French is a kind of crustless quiche. Endless fillings possible I love as starter or side with cherry tomatoes and chives.