escalope de veau à la crème et au cerfeuil

Veal scallops with chervil cream sauce

Quick and easy, the French just love to serve flavored sauces with meat. Here a creamy chervil sauce with veal but it actually works well with poultry such as chicken.

Magrets de canard poêlés au cassis

Duck Breast with Blackcurrant Sauce

A delicious blackcurrant sauce with a hint of balsamic vinegar, and a little trick to perfectly cook your duck breast fillets, so that they are sooo tender. Did you know that duck is on of  French’s favourite meat.

crumble de poisson et légumes au lait de coco

Fish and vegetable crumble pie with coconut milk

This is a daily home cooking dish and an nice way to present fish. My kids love it. Cod cooked in coconut milk becomes very soft and tasty. With vegetables and a crisp breadcrumb crumble topping … An easy thus amazing dish.

Poisson pané maison chapelure au persil panure à l’anglaise

Homemade Breaded Fish

A delicious way of eating fish, with a nice golden brown crunchy coating and silky fish filling. Kids love it! You can have fun seasoning breadcrumb, here with parsley

tartiflette traditionnelle au reblochon de Savoie

Tartiflette, French Alps Reblochon Cheese Casserole

The French just love traditional dishes made of melted creamy cheese with potatoes and deli meat. Among those, tartiflette is the perfect meal in winter! Called gratin in French, it’s made of potatoes, reblochon cheese and bacon.

rack of lamb with honey and cumin

Honey and Cumin Rack of Lamb

Serving a whole rack of lamb is stunning, always a great success. Honey & cumin sauce works well lamb. Meat gets almost caramelized.

Gigot de sept heures à la cuillère

Slow Cooked Seven-Hour Leg of Lamb

If one think of Easter traditional family meal, there’s immediatly images of roast leg of lamb. Why not changing for the 7-hour recipe, slow cooked in the oven at low temperature? Quite long but very easy to make. The meat becomes so tender that you can even serve it with a tablespoon. Almost like a confit.

Osso bucco de veau à

Osso Bucco with Oranges

Composed of veal shank, slowly cooked in a white wine and tomato sauce stew, osso bucco tends to be eaten only by bone marrow amateurs even though it’s a woderful dish.