Just imagine. A dark chocolate mousse with surprises inside: apples cubes caramelized with brown sugar and cinnamon. Are you tempted? A gourmet dessert ! The French would say très gourmand.
Peel and remove the seeds of the apples. Cut cubes of equal size. I like them not too big (1/2 cm to 1 cm maximum). Heat butter in a frying pan.
Meanwhile, in a bowl combine together brown sugar and cinnamon, roll in apple cubes until they are perfectly coated on all sides. Pour the whole (and the excess of sugar and cinnamon if any) in the frying pan and let fry, even caramelize, for about 10 minutes over medium heat then let it cool down.
Then make the chocolate mousse.
Separate egg whites and egg yolks. Gently melt chocolate (in a bain-marie double boiler or using the microwave). Combine egg yolks with the melted chocolate. Whip egg whites until stiff. Gently and gradually fold into the egg yolk – chocolate preparation.
When the mousse is ready, incorporate 9/10th of the apples and keep some for the decoration.
Choose a nice serving dishor bowl, or in individual cups or glasses. Sprinkle the rest of the apples on top.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.
The main steps: Cube apples, coat them in a blend of sugar and cinnamon. Panfry in butter until it caramelizes. Prepare chocolate mousse. Pour apple in and gently combine. Set in the fridge for 2 hours.