Tomato and Eggplant Light Sauce

This very quick to prepare tomato and eggplant sauce is very light as without olive oil. Great as a side with meat, fish or as a sauce for pasta.

This delicious sauce can be a side to meat or fish, or be served with pasta. Very quick to prepare and light as well as there is no fat, no olive oil.

Eggplant might be my favorite vegetable. There are so many gorgeous eggplant recipes, especially in South France. But all with a main problem when you try to stay fit or when you like to eat light food: eggplant just LOVE olive oil. It absorbs fat in which it is cooked, even when disgorged it a few hours in salt. If my husband were to read this, he would tell me that olive oil gives its taste to eggplant. Yes and no. Yes it is true that Mediterranean recipes cooked with olive oil are to die for, but no because eggplant is delicious even cooked without oil.

This recipe is the perfect example.

Her eggplant is simply cooked without any fat in the microwave. My secret is to wrap eggplant in plastic wrap and cook it in the microwave for 3-5 minutes depending on the size as I show in the step by step recipe below. Eggplant’s texture becomes soft and very smooth.
You may of course prepare the same recipe by frying eggplant in olive oil with garlic, onion, spices…
Do not hesitate make this recipe your own by adding flavors of your choice such as fried onion or shallots, herbs, spices, a drop of balsamic vinegar or olive oil … I prefer coarsely chopped eggplant as I like to feel the texture of the vegetable but if you prefer a very smooth texture, mix it very finely with a blender.
Serve hot or cool depending on the use: with pasta instead of a traditional tomato sauce, as a side to fish or meat. I even finished this as an appetizer sauce on toasts and with raw vegetables like fennel. It was great.

Tomato and Eggplant Light Sauce

Tomato and Eggplant Light Sauce

sauce tomate à l'aubergine express

Tomato and Eggplant Light Sauce

This very quick to prepare tomato and eggplant sauce is very light as without olive oil. Great as a side with meat, fish or as a sauce for pasta.
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Course Savory cooking basic
Cuisine French
Servings 4 shares


  • 1 eggplant medium size
  • 6 tablespoons tomato sauce
  • Herbes de Provence
  • salt
  • pepper


  • Rinse eggplant and wrap well in plastic wrap, closing each end.
  • Cook in microwave 3-5 minutes depending on the size of eggplant.
  • Cut eggplant in half. Remove flesh with a table spoon, leaving skin apart.
  • Chop flesh with a knife, the back of a fork or blender to the desired fineness.
  • Pour tomato sauce into a bowl and season (salt, pepper, herbs…)
  • Mix eggplant flesh with tomato sauce. Taste and adjust seasoning.
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Bon appétit !

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