tomato tart with dijon mustard, french home cooking classic

Tomato Tart with Dijon Mustard

Tomatoes on a bed of Dijon mustard is a great classic savory tart in France. Mustard’s strength lowers when baked. My best tips and variations to make it easy.

Tian provençal de légumes d'été

Summer Vegetables Provençal Tian

All the of flavors of South-France Provence in this elegant and delicious vegetal dish. With my secrets for well cooked and and not dry vegetables.

Galette des rois frangipane au chocolat

Chickpeas and Sun Dried Tomatoes Provençal Dip

South France Provence cuisine use chickpeas in many preparations. And olive oil almost everywhere. As hummus is a typical Mediterranean preparation, the French version of hummus have only olive oil, thus without tahini.

sauce tomate à l'aubergine express

Tomato and Eggplant Light Sauce

This delicious sauce can be a side to meat or fish, or be served with pasta. Very quick to prepare and light as well as there is no fat, no olive oil.

Cherry tomatoes and chive flan French recipe

Cherry Tomatoes and Chive Flan

Savory flan in French is a kind of crustless quiche. Endless fillings possible I love as starter or side with cherry tomatoes and chives.