Ultra moist chocolate cake with pears. French fancy and decadent recipe

Moist Chocolate and Pear Cake

A sumptuous moist chocolate and pear cake. The quintessence of indulgence, featuring rich French chocolate fondant and stunning perfectly arranged fresh pear slices

Chocolate and pear French clafoutis

Clafoutis with chocolate and pear

Among most popular French classic desserts, clafoutis is quick and easy to prepare, here baked with pears and chocolate. So tasty you should try!

Poires pochées au safran et à la cardamone

Poached Pears with Saffron and Cardamom

Tasty pears cooked with saffron and cardamom sauce An incredible delight! I’m absolutely mad about this! Quick and easy to prepare, for a very festive dessert.

Bricks à la poire et au Bresse Bleu façon samoussa

Samosa French Style with Pears and Blue Cheese

The French just love the combination of blue cheese and pears. Intensity and sweetness at the same time. Here with some nuts and a bit of honey. It’s delicious crispy, served warm with a green salad.

poires rôties aux épices à la crème de Saint Moret

Spiced Roasted Pears with Whipped Vanilla Cream Cheese

This recipe is both light and very tasty. Pears are roasted with spices (you can feel saffron, star anise and cinnamon at the same time in one bite!) and cream cheese is whipped with vanilla (but not too much as we want to keep cream cheese flavors).

Crêpes sauce aux poires au caramel au beurre salé

French Crepes with Pears and Caramel Sauce

How do you prefer your crepes? How about perfect light batter for thin crepes with pears and a decadant salted butter caramel sauce (here without cream)? Easy, quick. A delight.