poires rôties aux épices à la crème de Saint Moret

Spiced Roasted Pears with Whipped Vanilla Cream Cheese

This recipe is both light and very tasty. Pears are roasted with spices (you can feel saffron, star anise and cinnamon at the same time in one bite!) and cream cheese is whipped with vanilla (but not too much as we want to keep cream cheese flavors).

Crêpes sauce aux poires au caramel au beurre salé

French Crepes with Pears and Caramel Sauce

How do you prefer your crepes? How about perfect light batter for thin crepes with pears and a decadant salted butter caramel sauce (here without cream)? Easy, quick. A delight.

Mousse au chocolat avec des cubes de pomme caramélisés à la cannelle

Chocolate Mousse with Caramelized Apples

Just imagine. A dark chocolate mousse with surprises inside: apples cubes caramelized with brown sugar and cinnamon. Are you tempted? A gourmet dessert ! The French would say très gourmand

flan d'automne à la courge butternut et à la vanille en dessert

Butternut Squash and Vanilla Flan

Tasty dessert so easy to make. Butternut squash purée, vanilla, and the French flan recipe explained. That’s all. Gluten-free and fat-free.

glace au chocolat, recette et conseils de chef MOF

Chocolate Ice cream

Chocolate Ice Cream Demonstration at the 2014 Chocolate Fair “Salon du Chocolat” in Paris, by France’s Finest Artisan Meilleur Ouvrier de France Jean-Claude David.