fontainebleau dessert faisselle whipped cream and strawberry

Fontainebleau Dessert with Strawberries

Fontainebleau is a simple dessert mixing soft white cheese or yogurt and whipped cream. Delicious and elegant topped with fruits, perfect with fresh strawberries.

Chef Christophe Michalak recipe, delicious french vanilla flan recipe

French Custard Tart with no Dough

Delicious French custard tart / flan. Very simple, gluten-free and less rich because without pastry dough. French Chef Christophe Michalak’s recipe explained

la meilleure recette de truffes au chocolat

Homemade French Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate truffles are the easiest gourmet treat With only 4 ingredients, just pour warm cream over dark chocolate, cool down, form balls & roll in cocoa powder

French crepes Suzette the traditional recipe

Crêpe Suzette, tradional recipe

The iconic crêpes Suzette are often served flambéed. The original recipe, as invented by Escoffier, is actually with orange butter.

Poires pochées au safran et à la cardamone

Poached Pears with Saffron and Cardamom

Tasty pears cooked with saffron and cardamom sauce An incredible delight! I’m absolutely mad about this! Quick and easy to prepare, for a very festive dessert.

Mango chia pudding with soy milk

Mango Chia Pudding

Quick and easy to make… and delicious. I use jam to sweeten the pudding and give a nice flavour. With diced mango on top, and lime for a twist.

confiture de melon au citron vert

Melon Jam with Vanilla and Lime

Just imagine. Homemade jam, spread on fresh French baguette. A delight ! Made with tasty ripe melons, I’ve added vanilla to give a round mouth feel and lime for a little twist. A great flavor combination for incredible breakfasts.

crepe suzette flambéed recipe

Crêpes Suzette Flambéed, Recipe and Story

Decadent French crêpes, very thin pancakes, served in a delicious orange and caramel sauce, frambé with Grand Marnier orange alcohol. This is the common recipe, you’ll read in the story that the traditional one is with mandarin butter and not flambéed.

crème anglaise au safran

Saffron Crème Anglaise Egg Custard

This great classic of French pastry, usually baked with vanilla is here flavoed with safron. It’s delicious served with chocolate cake, or used for fancy snow eggs.

Pêche Melba

Peach Melba Easy Recipe

Simply poach peaches in a syrup, serve with vanilla ice cream and raspberry sauce. A delight! The origine of the recipe by French Famous Chef Auguste Escoffier