Origin of easter tradition why we eat chocolate eggs, belles and rabbits

The Origin of Easter Chocolates

Do you know why we eat chocolate eggs at Easter? Where does this tradition of decorating, hiding eggs but also rabbits, chickens, fish, fried foods come from…

pink deviled egg flavord and dyed with beetroot

Pink Deviled Egg with Beetroot

A variation of the deviled eggs – called oeuf mimosa in French – with hard-boiled eggs nicely colored with red beet. Delicious, so elegant for Easter or fancy starter.

Egg en cocotte with blue cheese, French recipe

Egg en Cocotte with Blue Cheese

The French love œuf cocotte. So fancy and yet so quick and easy. Very tasty with blue cheese and sautéed shallots that balance cheese.

recette traditionnelle des petits pois  à la française

French-Style Peas

Great classic of French cuisine, a wonderful combination of sweet green peas, spring onion and lettuce. Vegetarian version without bacon.

rack of lamb with honey and cumin

Honey and Cumin Rack of Lamb

Serving a whole rack of lamb is stunning, always a great success. Honey & cumin sauce works well lamb. Meat gets almost caramelized.

Gigot de sept heures à la cuillère

Slow Cooked Seven-Hour Leg of Lamb

If one think of Easter traditional family meal, there’s immediatly images of roast leg of lamb. Why not changing for the 7-hour recipe, slow cooked in the oven at low temperature? Quite long but very easy to make. The meat becomes so tender that you can even serve it with a tablespoon. Almost like a confit.

purée d'ail du Chef Bernard Loiseau

Garlic Purée

You think professional chefs’ recipes are too difficult to do yourself?
You find the taste of garlic too aggressive?
Try this.