My Childhood's Yogurt Cake with Pears and Chocolate
Course: Cake or tart, Fruit
Cuisine: French
Occasion: Birthday, Breakfast, Snack
Prep Time: 20 minutesminutes
Cook Time: 35 minutesminutes
Servings: 8shares
This is a cake that the French kids make all the time. Tasted 100s of times this is the ultimate French yogurt cake recipe, quick & easy. My trick: I use to add pears and dark chocolate. Combine all ingredients using the yogurt pot to measure. Drain pears and chop chocolate into chips and add them in the batter. Bake.
Start by pouring yogurt into a bowl. You can rinse and dry the yogurt pot that will serve as measuring cup if you want but this is not necessary.
Measure 2 yogurt pots of sugar and ½ yogurt pot of oil, add to the yoghurt and combine. Add the eggs and mix. Then add 3 yogurt pots of flour, a pinch of salt and baking powder. Combine until you get a smooth preparation.
Drain pears and make chocolate chips (not too small otherwize chocolate will melt while baking and it’s nice to have chocolate chips as in cookies, I mean parts with chocolate and parts without).
Butter and flour the baking pan. Pour in the patter. Arrange pears in the batter by soaking them a bit. Sprinkle over chocolate chips. See pics.
Bake at 185°C (350°F) for 30-40 minutes. Check if it’s well cooked with a knife, it should come out dry.