Mendiants, Literally meaning beggar in French. What a strange name for decadant chocolate treats. I give tell you the story behind and give you the recipe with which nuts and dried fruits to use.
3 to 4raisinsany kinds of dried fruits, nuts or candied fruits, possibly including: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachio, fig, candied lemon or orange peels. 35 of each
First prepare the toppings
Make sure you have 35 to 40 pieces of each (cut into smaller if needed for candied citrus peel or nuts for example
Melt chocolate, ideally using the following tempering techinique in 3 steps. If not gently melt chocolate.
1- In a double boiler heat the chocolate up to 122/131°F (50/55°C).
2- Then let the chocolate cool to 79/80°F (26/28°C)
3- Heat again to 88/89°F (31/32°C).
Make mendiants
Place greaseproof paper or aluminum foil on a tray. Form small discs (about 1 inch in diameter) by using a piping bag or a spoon. I think a spoon is easier and helps to measure a constant quantity (about a tablespoon for each mendiant).
On top of this the back of the spoon can be used to flatten out the chocolate discs a little.
Immediatly after this, arrange 3 to 4 pieces of fruit and nut on each disc.
Allow to set
Leave in a cool room for at least 30 minutes so that the chocolate can cool down and set the fruits and nuts.