This salad, very rich in omega 3, vitamins and minerals, should be prescribed by the doctor! Lamb’s lettuce (or corn salad) season is the ideal moment to enjoy this easy and quick to prepare salad, which is very rich in minerals and vitamins. Great in this cold period and good for your health. Very fresh and colorful, it combines both crispy and melting textures, mild and tangy taste at the same time.
8radishor a big radish if you find other varieties that classic pink radish
1handfulpine nutspossibly replace with walnuts
5clraspberry vinegarpossibly replace with balsamic vinegar
10clolive oil
pepperfreshly ground
First prepare dressing:
In a bowl, pour in vinegar.
Add salt and pepper, then stir. Pepper dissolves better in pure vinegar.
Finally add olive oil and stir again.
Then prepare vegetables.
Wash lamb’s lettuce, using successively several water if necessary because lamb’s lettuce is often quite sandy. Cut the bases each bouquet of lamb’s lettuce, where the leaves join, because this part is less pleasant to eat and is quite difficult to wash. Don’t hesitate to discard damaged or yellowed leaves. Dry the leaves (using a lettuce drainer, clean cloth or paper towel).
Wash radishes, cut off the ends and mince thin strips. Peel beetroot by removing the top layer and cut it into small cubes. Finely chop shallot.
Place lamb’s lettuce and minced shallot into the bowl with the dressing. Mix. Then arrange on top beetroot cubes and radish slices. Sprinkle bread nuts before serving.
The main steps: Prepare the dressing. We wash and cut all ingredients. Then assemble.