Sautéed bell pepper and onion a perfect filling for quiche. A delicious tart for a perfect quick and easy lunch with all the flavors of South France Provence. The quiche generously ga Perfect served with a green salad.
1pinchEspelette pepperor a pinch of Cayenne pepper
Preheat oven to 180°C.
Prepare the vegetable garnish
Wash bell pepper and cut it into strips after removing the stalk and seeds. Peel and slice the onions. Peel and mince garlic.
Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Sear the red bell pepper and garlic, then a few minutes later add the onions (the bell pepper needs more time). Season with salt and pepper. Sauté for about ten minutes.
Prepare the quiche batter
In a bowl, break the eggs and whisk them with a fork as you would do for an omelet with a fork. Add cream and milk and combine again until smooth.
Add the sautéed vegetables and, if you want, a bit of Espelette pepper. Combine.
Finish preparing the quiche and bake
Roll out the pastry in a tart tin. Pour in the quiche batter. Make sure vegetables are evenly arranged. Possibly sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese.
Bake for 40 minutes at 180°C.
French quiche Lorraine is traditionally with bacon and no cheese but except from the classic recipe from East France, you can add all kinds of ingredients to the egg and cream batter. May it be specially cooked as here or even leftovers.