A flan is like a quiche but without pastry on the buttom. Thus just eggs and cream, with chorizo cubes. To grab with a drink at apéro appetizer beloved moment, with freinds or family. Cube chorizo. Whip eggs and cream. Pour in small molds and bake.
30clcrème fraîcheor 20 cl heavy cream and 10 cl milk
Preheat your oven to 185 C.
Cut the chorizo into small cubes. Cut in half lengthwise and again in half. Then slice these strips of chorizo into thick slices, you will get more or less cubes.
Then prepare the flan custard by whipping eggs and then adding cream and combining again.
Arrange chorizo cubes in each mold (here two cubes per mini cannelé mold). Pour batter over, up to 3/4 of the mold.
Bake for about 20 minutes, until the flan batter sets. As soon as you pour out of the oven, flip the mold oven towel in order to remove the excess fat due to chorizo.
Baking Time: according to the size of your molds, 20 to 30 minutes.