Chocolate Ice Cream Demonstration at the 2014 Chocolate Fair “Salon du Chocolat” in Paris, by France’s Finest Artisan Meilleur Ouvrier de France Jean-Claude David.
First prepare all the ingredients and measure the indicated quantities.
Chop the chocolate into small parts of equal size so that it can melt easily. In a sauce pan, pour the milk and add the sugar. Heat up to 85°C (180°F).
Make sure your prep won’t boil. Then sprinkle in the milk powder while keeping stirring so that the milk won’t stick to your saucepan and that lump won’t appear. Pour in the cream. Stir again.
Remove from the stove, add the chocolate and stir until it melts completely and form and homogeneous texture.
When your preparation looks smooth, pour in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap. The plastic wrap must touch the surface of the preparation. Leave in the refrigerator for half a day (you can leave it up to 4 days before processing the ice cream).
After the required 12 hours of rest, process the ice cream in you ice cream processor according to the instructions of your device.
The main steps: Heat and mix all ingredients according to the recipe. Cool down before processing the ice-cream.