Chicken breast filets cooked in an amazing creamy sauce with flavorful mushrooms—that's really the essence of the simple and delicious dish the French often cook at home.
500grmushroomschampignons de Paris button mushrooms, washed, sliced
250grcrème fraîche,30% MF or heavy cream
1tablespoonwhole-grain mustardmoutarde à l'ancienne
Start by preparing ingredients
Peel and mince the onions and garlic cloves.
Cut the base of the mushrooms and brush them. Eventually, wash them briefly under tap water without soaking, and dry them with a paper towel. Then slice mushrooms or cut themin 2 or 4 depending of the size.
Start cooking chicken and mushroom separately
Cut chicken breast fillets into large strips lengthwise or cubes. Season on all sides with salt and pepper. Lightly coat with flour. Tap ro remove any excess of flour.
Heat 1/3rd of the butter in a pan and briefly fry chicken on both sides until golden. Remove chicken and set aside on a plate.
Add the remaining butter in the pan. Sauté the minced onion and garlic seasoned with salt and pepper for a few minutes.
Add mushrooms, and cook for 5 to 10 minutes.
Finish cooking
Add the chicken back in the pan. Add the tablespoon of mustard and the cram. Combine.
Cook over medium heat until the chicken is cooked through, but it should not boil.
Make sure you read the article and cooking notes before you start.